Dear Journalist is a monthly podcast created by the masthead at the Review of Journalism, interviewing established Canadian journalists about lessons they were only able to learn in the field.

In this final episode of Dear Journalist, the hosts are the ones giving their “pearls” of wisdom. We discuss our history with podcasting, our experience at the Review, why we chose to enroll in TMU’s journalism program, and some things we wish we heard before enrolling in the program.
Christina Apa is a fourth-year journalism student at Toronto Metropolitan University. She is passionate about women’s issues, arts and culture, and technology journalism. She is currently an editorial intern at Postcall. When she’s not writing you can find her crocheting something she’ll never wear.
Yezua Ho is a fourth-year undergraduate journalism student at Toronto Metropolitan University. He’s interested in gaming coverage and the gaming industry as a whole in Canada. As you might’ve expected, he’s usually playing games when he’s not writing.
Hannah Mercanti is a fourth-year undergraduate arts and culture journalist based in Toronto. They are the host of All My Books on Met Radio and the Literary Editor at CanCulture Magazine. When they aren’t writing, you can find them drinking coffee and reading Margaret Atwood books.