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Author and Magazine Writer
“I can think of no other publication in this country that regularly holds journalism up to so clear and uncompromising a light.”
Features Writer, The Globe and Mail
“The Review is the closest thing to a reliable conscience that Canadian journalism has.”
Senior Communications Officer, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
“The Review should be essential reading for Canadian journalists. It makes us better informed and better at what we do.”
President, Impresa Communications Ltd.
“I have been heard to say, more than once, that if the Ryerson Review of Journalism didn’t exist, we’d need to invent it. This student-produced… publication often publishes stories about journalism in this country in ways that can be found nowhere else, including magazines.”
Features Editor, Toronto Star
“There are always one or two articles in every issue of the Review guaranteed to draw howls of outrage and buckets of bile from within the profession, which is always fun to observe.”
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