An illustration of computer pop-ups with ads

Ad Nauseam

People now consume journalism from a variety of digital platforms, which means consuming a variety of ads from multiple venues. To combat overwhelming consumers, media companies have begun to diversify their advertising strategies.
An illustration of a robot and a human facing each other typing on typewriters

Anything You Can Do, AI Can(‘t) Do Better

ChatGPT can write opinions and advice—just not very well If you’ve been…
An illustration of a reporter and a cameraman beside a bus stop with rom-com movie posters.

Love at First Watch

The late 1990s and early 2000s produced numerous movies in which the female lead was a journalist. Two of the most prominent were 13 Going on 30, starring Jennifer Garner, and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, starring Kate Hudson. Both films portrayed the main character spending more time falling in love than meeting deadlines—probably not the best recipe for success in journalism.

Falling short, staying long

While cute animal antics seduce more eyeballs, the long narrative still has a few fans
Portrait of John Vaillant.

A Conversation with John Vaillant

The Vancouver author of Fire Weather talks to the Review about our carbon awakening and his award-winning 2023 book, Fire Weather: The Making of the Beast.

Dear Journalist Episode 5: Us, You and the Review

In this final episode of Dear Journalist, the hosts are the ones giving their “pearls” of wisdom. We discuss our history with podcasting, our experience at the Review, why we chose to enroll in TMU’s journalism program, and some things we wish we heard before enrolling in the program.
Video game screen in which a person with long hair sits at a desk working on their podcast.

Why the Best Worst Depiction of Podcast Journalism Matters

The issue is that Spider-Man 2 fundamentally misunderstands what journalists do. The game’s writers undermine the journalist’s basic craft—telling stories or producing news—by either being vague about the reporting process or depicting something unbelievable.
The back of a police van

The Relationship Between Police and the Press

Toronto police spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in PR campaigns—some of…