See No Innocence

Wrongful conviction reporting used to be a staple beat for papers. Now…
The back of a police van

The Relationship Between Police and the Press

Toronto police spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in PR campaigns—some of…
Illustration of various young people looking at smart phones

Terms of Engagement

The push to meet audiences where they’re at: what the Globe and the Star can learn from upstart media

Lessons from a Survivor

A look back at Canadian media’s mistreatment of Linda Christina Redgrave
A plus sized woman standing in the spotlight in the centre of a number of thinner woman wearing press badges

Plus-Sized in a Fat-Free Industry

Why can’t fashion journalism do more to expand its shapes and sizes?
An illustration of a person sitting on a laptop with headphones on and numerous thumbs ups and thumbs downs floating above the person

Death of the Scathing Review?

How music journalists are shifting from critics to curators
Three people including a chef standing in a cramped kitchen next to a stove

A Deeper Dish

Food journalists have failed to incorporate the culture behind each bite – but a few trailblazers are giving readers the full plate

Why it’s time for Canada’s soccer nation to include diverse broadcasters

On March 27, 2022, the Canadian men’s national soccer team qualified for its second appearance at the FIFA World Cup. The 4-0 victory over Jamaica has received extensive media coverage. The game has always been popular in Canada with, pre-pandemic, over 730,000 registered players across the country. With the national team qualifying, an estimated 1.65 million Canadians tuned in to Sportsnet to watch the game.

On the Mend

As COVID-19 restrictions begin to lift across the nation and we look toward a post-pandemic era of recovery, journalists need to understand how to safely and accurately cover stories about mental health.