Illustrattion of a woman pouring batter into a pan, a teenager doing her make and a child colouring at a messy kitchen table. An exercise bike sits in the background

How Lifestyle Journalism is Getting Us Through a Pandemic

Sourdough starters, maskne remedies, dalgona coffee, and home gardens.
Brandi Morin

Indigenous Journalists are Building a New Legacy

On the ground improving coverage of communities that newsrooms have neglected, Indigenous journalists are telling their own stories.
Survivors deserve our highest respect. But, for that achievement, we also owe them the debt of doing the right thing. Reconciliation is the right thing to do, coming out of this history - TRC

How student journalists and publications are vital to reconciliation

At the Review’s Spring 2021 digital magazine launch, Brandi Morin weighed in on the renaming debate, where Canadian media has failed Indigenous peoples, and how tomorrow’s journalists can pick up the slack
Camp print pattern

The War on Metaphors

Journalists, linguists, and lexicographers on the problems with martial metaphors for COVID-19
A dog walks near the Church of the Holy Family in Łutsël K’é, Northwest Territories. The church was built near the present day settlement in the 1930’s and moved to its current location at the tip of the peninsula

A Truer North

Local journalists from northern Canada are trying to build a better, more representative system.
Young woman at her computer.

Pandemic Gains

How three student publications managed to adapt during a pandemic. The pandemic…
Four illustrations of court sketches drawn by Pam Davies

All Rise: Virtual Court in Session

The inside story of how courts and the people who report on them scrambled to adapt to a virtual world.
Mother and two young daughters smiling while laying on a bed with greenery in the background.

The Mother Load

It’s never been easy to be a journalist and a mother. Now…
map of GTA with local news closures indicated

Local Journalism Needs A Boost

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the deficit of local journalism in GTA communities. This is why it matters.
A young man lies on the ground, his face covered in sticky notes

Op-ed: The Case Against Unpaid Internships

Unpaid internships are commonly accepted practice in journalism, but these opportunities are only available to students with the privilege to work without pay.