Pull Quotes Podcast

In 2017, then-Minister of Canadian Heritage, Melanie Joly, announced that Netflix would be spending $500 million over five years on films produced in Canada. It sounds like a lot of money—but where is that money actually going? Do we know how it’s being spent?

This past February, Netflix announced that they’re leasing office and studio space in Cinespace and Pinewood studios.

While there has been some coverage of Netflix’s recent moves into Canada, a lot of big questions remain unanswered. Today on Pull Quotes, we try to unpack some of these questions.


Alex LaLonde is the VP of Business Development and Operations at New Metric Media.

Chandler Levack is a freelance film critic and an independent filmmaker.

Pull Quotes is produced by Lidia Abraha and Michal Stein. Thanks to Katherine Singh for co-hosting this week. Thanks to Angela Glover and Lindsay Hanna for technical help. Sonya Fatah is the executive producer of Pull Quotes.

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