Sophi’s Choice The Globe’s newsroom leaders are making decisions using AI—and they’re not the only ones Charlize AlcarazJuly 19, 202312 minute read
Good Vibes Only Audiences are sick of bad news. Can a rising tide of optimistic news outlets fight compassion fatigue? Chelsea BirksJuly 12, 202314 minute read
Covering North Korea News coverage of the “Hermit Kingdom” is sensationalist and reductive. Is Kim Jong Un more important than the country’s 25 million citizens? Hyeji YoonJuly 5, 202312 minute read
Rage Against the Machines The “Freedom Convoy” overtook downtown Ottawa last year. On the fly, reporters sorted fact from misinformation while the protestors called them liars Emily Clare ElliottJune 28, 20239 minute read
Into the Deep Amid the onslaught of daily news, four in-depth podcasts are taking their time—and getting the story right Timothy CookeJune 23, 202317 minute read
Whether We Like it or Not Inside the strange symbiosis of journalism and public relations Leslie SinclairJune 21, 202322 minute read
Then and Now Workers in revolt, unpaid wages, revolving-door management: inside five chaotic, difficult, tumultuous, teetering years at Now magazine Anthony MiltonJune 15, 202320 minute read
Cultures of Abuse Sports journalism used to be the “toy department.” Now it’s an investigative unit Carly PenroseJune 14, 202317 minute read
When journalism Becomes a Crime Türkiye has outlawed “disinformation.” Meet the first journalist to be arrested Helin TurkJune 12, 20233 minute read
Console Yourself Why play video games to escape reality when you can be reminded of our modern hellscape while you play? Sophia de GuzmanJune 9, 20232 minute read