The Out-of-Office Finale: Pull Quotes Season 3, Episode 11

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To our Pull Quotes listeners: 

As we launch our final episode of season three of Pull Quotes and as we prepare to launch the print issue of the Ryerson Review of Journalism, we would like to say an enormous thank you to all of you. Working as the Review’s podcast chief editor and producer has allowed us to meet so many talented journalists and explore, in depth, so many issues within the Canadian media industry. 

We wanted to wrap up our season by chatting with a few members of our masthead. This week would have been our launch party, but in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, like many of you, we are staying home. In this podcast, you will hear from our managing business and audience engagement editors, Sean Young and Saura Haggart-Smith, about how they have worked tirelessly on a new way to launch the magazine. 

For the rest of the podcast, we speak with Katrya Bolger, editor-in-chief of the RRJ, Urbi Khan, print managing editor, and Mitchell Consky, print production editor. They share more about putting together this magazine remotely. There are also a few surprises from some of our editors who share some details about their individual features in the magazine, including our exciting cover story. Have a listen! And thank you: It’s been a pleasure!

Ashley Fraser and Tanja Saric

Episode 11 of Pull Quotes was produced and edited by Ashley Fraser and Tanja Saric. Pull Quotes’ executive producer is Sonya Fatah. 

This podcast episode is sponsored by:
CWA Canada, the country’s only all-media union. You can check out their student associate membership program for information and support, and to help arrange internships and mentorships at

Business Wire, the leader in global news distribution.
You can find out more information about Business Wire’s services visit

Subscribe to our new Spring 2020 issue here.  

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