A crossword in a newspaper.

How Well Do You Know Your Canadian Media?

See if you can name 14 news outlets, from coast to coast in this interactive crossword by Emily Clare Elliott.

ChatGPTrue or False?

A Review journalist tests the accuracy of ChatGPT’s answers

We’re having a party!

Join us to celebrate the release of the Spring 2023 issue!

Depp v. Heard v. The Internet

When celebrity trials meet social media

Pull Quotes Season 6 Episode 4: Carly Penrose on the coverage of the Hockey Canada sexual assault scandal

In the fourth episode of season six, host Tara De Boer talks to Carly Penrose on her Review-exclusive story about carefully navigating the turbulent waters of the Canadian sports industry—and interviewing those who reported on it.
Feature graphic for Anthony Milton's story on bad data.

Data Crimes and How to Atone for Them

Many journalists enter the field to interview people, not data. Here are three bad graphs by working journalists, and how you can do better

The Planetary Press

From communicating complexity, to the risk of scaring audiences away, environmental journalists face no shortage of challenges.

Pull Quotes Season 6 Episode 3: Maddy Mahoney on the evolution of advice columns

In the third episode of season six, host Silas Le Blanc talks to Maddy Mahoney on her Review-exclusive story about the history of advice columns, their advice columnists, as well as how the medium has evolved throughout the years.

Pull Quotes: Season 6, Episode 2: Tony Milton on the fall of Now Magazine

In the second episode of season six, host Tara De Boer interviews Anthony ‘Tony’ Milton on his Review-exclusive story about the past, present, and tentative future of Now magazine.

We’re having a party!

Join us to celebrate the release of the Spring 2023 issue!