Pull Quotes Podcast

Podcast art by Katelyn Curtis

In episode three of this season of Pull Quotes, Adam Feibel sits down with guest podcast producer Annika Forman to discuss his recent article Billy Talent Are More Relevant Than Ever which was published in Exclaim! in January. The story, which began as a tweet, encountered a shift as Feibel realised a better direction for the piece. 

“I think it speaks to … the creative freedom that comes from being an artist for as long as they have that you can take risks or do different things.”

Adam Feibel

In this episode, Feibel discusses Billy Talent’s latest album, Crisis of Faith. It has songs that have a similar sound to others, including Fleetwood Mac and Journey, however the band has been around long enough that they still have a sound that’s uniquely theirs. “I think it speaks to … the creative freedom that comes from being an artist for as long as they have that you can take risks or do different things and you’ve been a good band long enough that … you can adventure out but still be at home,” Feibel says. 

In the interview, Feibel also talks about how he ended up recording the interview from the fire room of his building. Feibel also shares his favourite genres and his understanding of why the music you listen to when you are young is the music you continue to look for as an adult.


Gabe Oatley, editor and co-host

Rahaf Farawi, producer and co-host

Andrew Oliphant, guest producer

Annika Forman, guest producer

Geena Mortfield, fact checker

Sonya Fatah, executive producer

About the author

Annika Forman
+ posts

Annika Forman is Copy Editor + Guest Podcast Producer at the Review of Journalism.

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