When Student Press Schooled Big Media

On May 2, the University of Toronto (U of T) student group Occupy for Palestine (O4P) began an encampment at King’s College Circle in response to Israel’s ongoing war on Gaza.

‘Everybody Could Be a Journalist’

In the wake of consistent layoffs, some small newsrooms are shifting to a co-operative model, and relying on volunteer journalism

Walking the Fine Line of Objectivity in the Age of Twitter – A Conversation With Desmond Cole and Vicky Mochama: Pull Quotes Season 3, Episode 4

In season three, episode four of Pull Quotes the shares the highlights of the Ryerson Review of Journalism’s recent event: JournalismXActivism: In Conversation with Desmond Cole. Host Ashley Fraser sat down for a live chat with Desmond Cole to navigate the line between activism and journalism. Then, host Tanja Saric and journalist Vicky Mochama join in on this episode of Pull Quotes to talk Twitter and controlling your brand. Contributors: Ashley Fraser (chief podcast editor), Tanja Saric (podcast producer) and Sean Young (guest producer) with technical production help from Angela Glover and Lindsay Hanna. Pull Quotes executive producer is Sonya Fatah.