A collage of screenshots of queer-centric publications like the Body Politic and Xtra magazine.

The Evolution of Queer Media

Queer media began small but unified. Now they’re more prolific, but some 2SLGBTQIA+ journalists say this risks losing the strength of a collective voice
The back of a police van

The Relationship Between Police and the Press

Toronto police spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in PR campaigns—some of…
An illustration of people singing and playing instruments at the top with journalists pointing microphones at them.

The Music Beat: The Remix

The digital era has turned both music journalism and music consumption upside down. The Review talks to Josephine Cruz and Aaron Small, two veterans, to help explain its impact on their music writing.

CBC featured more Israelis even as Palestinian casualties rose, data shows

CBC’s flagship broadcast continued to feature more Israelis than Palestinians even as the death toll in Gaza mounted. It also failed to identify by name more than a quarter of Palestinians and their allies